♦ Sales performance ♦ Presentation skills ♦ Creative thinking ♦ Problem solving ♦ Assertive behaviour ♦

Hypnosis is an extremely powerful tool to help you in business. Firstly you can learn to allow your unconscious mind to provide you with the answers you need. Your mind has the right answer to most issues, it’s just a matter of asking the right question and being in a relaxed and receptive state. Allowing yourself to be free of any past negative experience or perceived limitations that might hinder your progress.

Secondly, when you have a grasp of the hypnotic language patterns of influence, these can power your sales meetings (people don’t need to close their eyes or go into a deep trance for the language to be effective). As you begin to understand the principles behind hypnosis the way you write marketing and sales documents will change and become more persuasive and compelling.

Thirdly, when you know how to boost confidence and influence, your powers of negotiation through hypnotic language improve. This impacts:

  • Sales performance
  • Presentation skills
  • Creative thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Assertive behaviour
  • Managing stress

Hypnosis works with the unconscious mind, that part of your mind that doesn’t know what is real and what is imagined. If you truly believe something then your unconscious will drive you to achieve it.

At Evolution our Hypnosis Practitioner is designed to teach you a simple yet elegant process that will enable you to develop and utilise your hypnotic skills in many arenas. So whatever you field of interest there will be tools, techniques, tips, and tricks that will enable you to quickly develop your expertise in hypnosis.

Boost your business with the benefits of hypnotic language.

Click – to find out how to get a 20% discount on the Hypnosis Practitioner training







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Roger Terry

Director of Training and Coaching at Evolution Training Ltd
Roger Terry is one of the world’s leading experts on applying NLP to drive excellence both professionally and personally. Roger leads seminars and consults with companies all over the world, including in the UK, USA, Europe and Middle East. He is the author of several books, including The Hidden Art of Interviewing, NLP and Qualitative Research, NLP for Teachers and The NLP Toolkit.